Back when we were babies
Could you even imagine what you would be?
Who you would be?
How you would love?
Could you imagine meeting someone and becoming such good friends?
Could you imagine that friendship turning into a crazy intense love?
That love would turn into a commitment
And that commitment would turn into our lives
That those lives would be so blessed
with laughter
with love
with passion
with beautiful children
That we would share moments like this
Or that he could pretend to be so vicious when he's actually so innocent
Or that he looks so much like you sometimes that it's scary!
Could you imagine how much she would melt our hearts and impress us with her gifts?
How much she would look like me at times
Or how she's not only pretty but hilarious
That after all these years, we would still take pictures like this
That we could still be goofy together

That you're still so romantic that any time we're near sand you still write me little love notes
Or that you still look at me like this...even when we're on a road trip
Or that you still give me butterflies every single day
Or that this wonderful life would bless us so so much
I never imagined all of this. What I imagined was so much more limited, more fiction than life. I love you Brandon, with all of my heart.
The following two quotes can sum it up best:
"I am permanently in love with you, always and forever." - Unknown
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte